Home   Roofing Contractor   Free Roofing Contractor Business Plan   4.15 Target Market Analysis of Housnig Stock by Year in which the Householder moved into the Unit

4.15 Target Market Analysis of Housnig Stock by Year in which the Householder moved into the Unit

The following items surfaced during the analysis of the when homeowners moved into their homes in Kent county and the state of Michigan.

  1. 8.2% of all homeowners in Kent county moved into their home before 1979 - statewide this number was 11.9%
  2. 16.2% of all homeowners moved into their homes in Kent county before 1989 as compared to 21.1% in the state of Michigan.
  3. Between the years of 1990 to 1999, 16.9% of all homeowners moved into their homes in Kent county as compared to 18.7% statewide.
  4. 40.5% of homeowners in Kent county moved into their homes between 2000 and 2009 compared to 37% statewide.
  5. Finally, 26.4% of folks in Kent county moved into their homes after 2010 compared to 23.2% statewide.

Thus we can conclude that more than 70% of homeowners in both Kent county and the state of Michigan, moved into their homes after the year 2000. When this analysis is combined with the population and household summary, we can conclude that many of the folks who have moved into Kent county are new to the target market. Since most of the population is composed of younger folks between the ages of 18 and 65, it is safe to conclude that these are folks who are able to earn an income.

The formation of new households is always a major plus for the economic well being of any target market. Given that so many working people have moved into Kent county and are forming households by moving into homes they buy or rent, we feel that the overall demographic picture of Kent county is very healthy and this of course bodes well for a roofing contractor like Dependable Roofing

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